


There are some who seem to think that kale has seen it's fifteen minutes come and go - thankfully - I am not one of those people.

Kale is the iceberg that sunk the soggy lettuce ship I rode through my earlier years.  It rocked the little romaine world that was all I knew before I discovered truly, dark, leafy, versatile greens.  For that, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Last year I posted my first of many kale salad recipes, which has since gone through many re-modelings to become the version seen here.

First soften the crunchy kale with a simple dill vinaigrette, then tossing the greens with sweet, simple roasted beets and chopped orange segments.  Add some lean protein in the form of green lentils and chopped walnuts to turn these veggies into a full meal and enjoy!

Kale Salad with Dill Vinaigrette, Orange, Beet, and Lentil


For the salad:
  • 1 cup green lentils
  • 1 large beet, sliced
  • 6 kale leaves, de-ribbed, chopped
  • 1 orange, segmented, chopped
  • 1/2 c walnuts, minced
  • 3 T feta, crumbled
For the dressing:
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 T white vinegar
  • 1 T dill
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Place the lentils in a small pot with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  Fill the pot with water until the lentils are approximately 3/4 inch under the water line.  Boil for 10 minutes with the pot uncovered, then simmer on low with the pot covered for about 20 minutes until the lentils are cooked through.  Dump them into a strainer and rinse with cold water.
  3. Meanwhile, peel and chop the beet.  Toss with 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Scatter on the baking sheet and roast for 20-30 minutes until browned on the outside and soft throughout.
  4. Toss the kale with the dressing until the leaves are liberally coated.
  5. Toss in the cooked lentils, beets, orange, walnuts, and feta.
  6. Top with cracked sea salt and black pepper.
  7. Enjoy!

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